Special Programs and Services
- Hoosier Hills PACT
- BRY, Life Skills and Character Building with Middle School Students
- Ivy Tech dual credit- These dual credit courses offer students the opportunity to receive credit for high school graduation plus college credits. Students wishing to receive college credit must meet specific guidelines. Ask the guidance office for more information
- Pre Calculus- College Algebra and Trig & Analytical Geometry
- Finite Math
- Chemistry II
- English 11 Honors
- English 12 Honors
- Children's Literature
- Creative Writing
- Speech (IU ACP course)
- Introducation to Literature
- Art History
- Studio Art
- Construction Technology
- Culinary Arts
- Education Professions
- Health Science - Careers and Nursing
- Agriculture
- Automotive Technology
- Welding
- Engineering
- Criminal Justice
- Fire Science